Our Story


What Now? exists because I don’t agree with the current state of affairs in the fashion industry. We exist in hopes of harnessing pollution, waste and destruction in the garment industry by providing environmentally conscious solution(s). The price that you pay less for fast fashion saves you costs in your own wallet, but is at the expense of the climate. We exist to offer people an affordable, sustainable consumption of quality clothing and to fight the big business in the fashion world. Not only to help the people, but mainly to be kind to earth. Will you be kind to nature?
What Now? helps nature, not the billionaires.


What Now? wants to help build a future where second-hand clothing is normalized and newly produced clothing is purchased drastically less. A future where no fast fashion is consumed. Where start-ups are no longer forced to use climate-destroying materials/development processes to start their clothing business. We support the idealism of going back to small-scale, local and environmentally friendly businesses. Where buying behavior isn’t driven by the largest companies, money. Envisioning a future where clothing consumption is circular, recycled and up-cycled.
We hope to contribute to a future where money is less important than our earth, our health and our existence as humanity. A future where our generation leaves behind a planet where, the generation after us, can still live/survive with pleasure and in harmony.
What Now? cares about you, animals, our earth, about all life.


What Now? is here to offer solutions for people caring about nature, but not know how to shop sustainable. To change the current impression of second-hand clothes, to create a valuable experience. I continue to look for opportunities and solutions, that improve the current experience of second-hand clothing consumption, one that is not inferior to the experience of buying new clothes. Making sure that my customers get a different view of the current clothing industry in the interest of the climate and make better informed decisions for the future. I’m going to create a total experience that has a positive impact on my customers and a positive impact on the environment and the promotion of clothing industry, hoping to contribute to the breaking up of the (big business) fast fashion industry. I will contribute to a better future for our planet, contribute to a future on earth that our children will live in.
Will you help us rebuild a better future?


Have respect for nature, the climate and our planet. The insight that large environmentally destructive companies cannot exist without customers. Not to my own interest / personal wallet to save costs, if this is at the expense of the climate. Distancing and rejecting fast fashion and the big business clothing industry in general. Preventing pollution, waste and destruction. Believing that the consumption of ‘new’ second-hand clothes can be even more pleasant and can provide even more satisfaction than buying new clothes. Simply making people aware of the reality and impact of their clothing consumption on our planet, in the hope of stimulating behavioral change in customers.
Want to make a change? Ask yourself; What Now?

our eco-friendly clothing selection

Want to help and save the quality of life on earth? Take a look at our hand-picked eco-friendly clothing selection!

New Arrivals

Carefully selected

What Now? focusses itself on finding good items and offering fair prices. We choose quality above quantity while still maintaining a healthy balance between the two. In our opinion, the quantity of clothing consumption is not the problem, but clothing consumption at the expense of the quality of life on this earth. What Now? makes sure to offer clothing that is kind to every kind of life on earth.

Always searching

What Now? focusses itself on searching for better solutions, don’t settle for selling second-hand clothes. In our opinion vintage clothing is a better solution than buying factory-new clothing, but it doesn’t replace it. We want to find ways to re-use clothing, upcycle them, to a point where it has more worth then factory-new clothing, for everyone. Let’s make this planet livable again, not only for us humans, but for the sake of all life on earth.

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